Open Rhinoplasty is a technique which is for a thick nasal tip or not too big nasal tip because of nasal alar. This technique will help reduced the tissue size to look thinner and shape it to look sharper and more beautiful which it will operates along with Septum Extension technique. Open Rhinoplasty will highly reduce more tilting rather than a Closing one because opening the middle nostril in both left and right can make the implant insertion looking fit properly in the middle of nose.
The perforation protection or a sweet nasal tip revision is better to get filled by Ear Cartilage technique. The Open Rhinoplasty is to decrease only thick nasal tissue to be smaller. It is also such a new technique version appropriate for patient with a thick nasal tip or requiring to reshape their nose to look shaped and sharp, yet remained softness as Barbie. However, most patients still inquire whether they can get incision only by Open Rhinoplasty technique and not included Septum Extension, or whether getting only Septum Extension technique or Ear Cartilage technique.
After acquiring Open Rhinoplasty, do I need to get Septum Extension for the next technique?
The purpose of Open Rhinoplasty technique normally is to reduce the tissue size in nasal tip. During surgery, a Dr. will open in the same part of cartilage at nasal tip. If you require to reduce only the thickness of nasal tip by not letting the cartilage to extend it, you also need to accept result limitation of nasal shape revision of that surgeon. Septum Extension technique is to decorate your nasal tip to look shaped, sharp, and sorted with cartilage behind your ear as well as able to extend nasal tip to look beautiful and also pair with a sloped bridge. This technique will operate in terms of nasal beauty and prevent the Tip Tension: the long-term silicone tension. Open Rhinoplasty is a must technique that at least you need to get to solve the nasal tip thickness problem.
Could it be possible to get either Septum Extension technique or Ear Cartilage technique?
You can get only Septum Extension technique by not paring with Open Rhinoplasty. A surgeon will open the wound either single or double incisions depended on surgeon discretion to set only your nasal tip cartilage and extension. You can also choose Rhinoplasty techniques whether by implant or filler only with Ear Cartilage without pairing with Septum Extension or Open Rhinoplasty technique. We will advise you to do these techniques just in case that you haven’t met the thickness problem. For a person with beautiful and natural long nose, you can get the implant Rhinoplasty and Ear Cartilage technique to reduce the perforation risks when you’ve done surgery for several times or to get a soft nasal tip as Barbie.